紫薯粉 25克
高筋麵粉 270克
全麥低筋麵粉 30克
速發酵母 1小匙(約4克)
室溫水 200毫升
沙拉油/橄欖油 30克
My baking journey starts with the inspiration of a Taiwanese blogger, who teaches people baking. As a vegan, all recipes are eggless, dairy and animal-free. Sharing recipes with all of you is delighting! 得到CAROL老師的啟發而設立此部落格和大家分享純素,即無蛋、無奶、無動物成分的食譜。能夠和大家分享是件愉悅的事!
Finally, I have to admit that as a bread maniac, a stand mixer which can handle bread dough very well is indispensable. Therefore, I am sorry to my Kitchenaid Artisan and welcome the Bosch Universal Plus Mixer to my home.
The first bread I made with it is the Vegan Dark Brown Sugar Rolls. Bosch has done an amazing job and the rolls turned out to be tender and chewy.
Have got a pack of baby potatoes from Trader Joe's, apart from making Japanese curry, why not using them in baking!
This lovely potato torn bread is soft, fluffy and moist even in a couple of days. Credit given to the potatoes!
The key to success is an integral TRANSLUCENT and STRETCHY dough! Here are the steps of how to check the dough is ready for 1st proofing:
A translucent membrane. As this recipe calls for whole wheat flour, the translucent membrane is not as thin as that of white flour. |
這食譜的其中一個特點就是全素!對啊,沒牛奶、沒雞蛋、沒奶油,非常適合素食人士或者對上述食物敏感的人士食用,可見 Carol老師確實好體貼~
純素黑芝麻吐司 - 感謝CAROL 老師的食譜
9月下旬是大少的生日,就想要做一個純素的生日蛋糕給他。剛好冰箱裡有一塊嫩豆腐,又有很多的可可粉,不如就做一個巧克力乳酪蛋糕吧!不用加入太多糖之餘,又能滿足他嗜甜的口味,自己又特別鍾情巧克力(😆 說出重點了)。
由於人在美國,就選了一個當地品牌的模具Fat Daddio's。起初還擔心質素問題,畢竟外地很多產品都在某國設廠,想找到非該國出產的廚具、烘焙用具實在不容易。幸好,這款模具沒有令我失望,生產地和模具堅固度也合心意。