
簡易純素佛客夏 Simple Vegan Focaccia

這款麵包的食材非常簡單,只需要4 -
 無漂白中筋麵粉 All-purpose flour (plain flour), unbleached
 海鹽 Sea salt
 速發酵母 Instant yeast (我是用燕子牌SAF 紅色或金色都可以)
 橄欖油 Olive oil

有關麵粉,其實每個國家認可使用的漂白成分有別,有研究指出,其中一款化學成分溴酸鉀(Potassium bromate)有機會影響腎功能及有可能導致癌症,但在美國仍然是合法的食品添加劑,而歐盟、加拿大、巴西阿根廷則已禁止採用(Link, "Bleached vs. Unbleached Flour: What’s the Difference?", 2019)。倒不如直接使用無漂白麵粉,吃進肚子的還是選擇較"清潔"的食材好。

I am craving for Italian bread and had once made a vegan focaccia with less oil long time ago. What I am going to make today is slightly different in shape since taller baked goods are always more tempting. The original recipe will create a flatter product while this altered recipe will create a "tall" loaf with the help of pound cake pan. 

This recipe is simple with just four ingredients: unbleached all-purpose flour, sea salt, instant yeast and olive oil. That simple? Wouldn't the loaf be bland? Absolutely not! Mix all these with adequate water and a beautiful loaf will be made. The dynamics between sea salt and olive oil contributes to the great taste of the bread. Simple and clean ingredients in which unbleached instead of bleached all-purpose flour is used, less chemicals are added during the aging processes.

In regard to flour, each country has different recognized or authorized food additives, for instance, potassium bromate has been proven to have linkage with kidney damage and cancer in some animals but is still recognized as a safe food addictive by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of USA; on the contrary, the use of potassium bromate has been prohibited in European Union, Canada, Brazil and Argentina (Link, "Bleached vs. Unbleached Flour: What’s the Difference?", 2019). It sounds better to stick to unbleached flour, let's eat clean!

Let's check out the recipe and steps and make your own loaf!

無漂白中筋麵粉 Unbleached all-purpose flour (plain flour) 300G
海鹽 Sea salt 6G
速發酵母 Instant yeast 1G(約1/4 小匙)
橄欖油 Olive oil 15G
50 − 室溫 room temperature 水溫 water temperature

預熱焗爐至230 (445);預備磅蛋糕模,鋪上烘焙紙
Preheat the oven at 230 (445) and line a pound cake pan with parchment paper

1. 於鋼盆內放入中筋麵粉及海鹽,以刮板(如人手)或廚師機的攪拌漿充分攪拌均勻,然後在中央留一個水槽。
Add the all-purpose flour and sea salt to a stainless steel bowl, blend them well with a spatula or the flat beater of your stand mixer. Make a hole in the center of the flour mixture.

2. 加入水,再加入酵母、橄欖油,繼續以攪拌漿或刮板攪拌至大致混合,形成雪花般的結塊。
Add water, then the instant yeast and olive oil, blend the ingredients with the flat beater/the spatula until lumpy (like snow flakes).

3. 廚師機:換上麵團鈎揉麵至成團;人手:於鋼盆內以手揉麵至成團。鋼盆上蓋上濕布,靜置15分鐘。
Stand mixer: switch to the dough hook to knead; by hand: knead the dough with hands in the bowl. Cover the bowl with a wet towel and let the dough rest for 15 mins.
4. 揉麵:將麵團放在工作枱或烘焙墊上,以手揉麵至表面光滑、麵團柔軟,大概需時3分鐘(也可以繼續以廚師機揉麵,注意不要過份揉捏就好了)。
Kneading: place the dough on the baking mat, knead the dough until a smooth surface is formed and it turns soft, about 3 mins.

5. 一次發酵:在一玻璃容器內以刮板薄薄塗上一層橄欖油(份量外),放入揉好的麵團,較平整的一面朝上。蓋上濕布後放置約3小時讓麵團發酵至22.5倍大小,最好的室溫是攝氏25度,不要讓陽光直射。
First proofing: apply a thin layer of olive oil in a glass bowl, place the dough in it with the smoother surface facing top. Cover the bowl with the wet towel and let the dough rest for about 3 hours until its size is about 2 to 2.5 times large.

6. 整圓及休眠時間:烘焙墊上撒上手粉,將發酵好的麵團以收口朝上的方式放在墊上,輕輕壓平,左右對摺後,再上下對摺,整圓,翻面及以手指捏緊收口。收口朝下放置約20分鐘,此為休眠時間。
Shaping and resting: Place the proved dough with the opening facing top on a baking mat covered with a little bit of flour. Do the following: lightly press the dough, fold it from left to right then top to bottom, shape it into a ball and pinch the bottom. Turn the opening to the bottom. Let the dough rise on the mat for 20 mins. 

7. 成型:翻面讓收口朝上,輕輕壓平揉成橢圓形。上下的1/3分別摺到中央,旋轉麵團90度,輕輕壓平,上下分別摺到中央,這次捲好麵團。翻面以手指捏緊收口。
Final shaping: Turn the dough upside down and lightly press the dough to make an oval shape. Fold the upper and lower 1/3 to the middle, then turn it 90 degrees, lightly press again, repeat the folding and roll the dough. Pinch the opening with fingers.

8. 二次發酵:麵團收口朝下放置在烤盤裡,蓋上濕布發酵約60分鐘,讓麵團膨脹至1.52倍大小。
Second proofing: Place the dough in the pound cake pan, cover it with a wet towel. Let the dough rise for about 60 mins until its size is 1.5 to 2 times large.

9. 烘烤:在麵團上均勻塗上適量的橄欖油(視乎接受油份的程度),以手指在表面戳數個洞,再撒上適量海鹽,放入已預熱至230 (445的焗爐內烘烤約18分鐘(時間按焗爐的火力適度調整)。
Baking: coat the dough with an appropriate amount of olive oil (according to your preference), make a few holes with fingers and add some sea salts on the surface. Bake in a 230 (445) for about 18 mins (please adjust if necessary based on the setting of your oven).

When done, place it on a cooling rack. It can be served plain or with your favorite spread or fruit.

希望你們喜歡這個簡易focaccia 食譜😊
Hope that you like this simple focaccia recipe =) Enjoy!
